Our latest experiment takes us to the now famous Venus Factor fat melting program. This program has been around for some time but we’ve been busy testing out other programs that we loved and some we didn’t. And I know what you are thinking. This is yet another weight loss program review from God-knows-where that is promising to do the miraculous.
But before you click the back button, hear me out.
Can you imagine what it would feel like to finally lose those 10 pounds that seem to have fallen in love with your body and are determined not to leave?
Imagine how happy you would be when you can finally fit into that pair of jeans that have been rotting in your closet for more than a year now.
Can you see yourself strutting through your neighborhood with your hair fluttering in the breeze while feeling so light and healthy?
All these and more can be easily achieved through the Venus Factor weight loss program, or at least that’s what the creator of the program wants us to believe.
If Venus Factor can make such a bold claim, it obviously means there must be some information to back that up. So, let’s go see what it’s all about then.
Venus Factor Summary
Product Name: Venus Factor Founder: John Barban Price: $37.00 Free Trial: No Suitable For: Those interested in burning fat and shedding weight naturally. |
What is Venus Factor?
The Venus Factor program is a step-by-step plan designed for women interested in quickly losing weight the right way. What’s so special about this approach? After all, there are a billion and one other weight loss programs claiming to do the same thing.
Well, according to John Barban, the creator of the program, the difference between Venus Factor and other weight loss programs is because his program solely focuses on controlling the level of Leptin in its users.
If you’re still reading at this point (which I hope you are), you obviously want to know what the hell Leptin is.
Now, after some strenuous digging, and by digging I mean laying on my couch and languidly strolling through Google, I have come up with a definition.
Ready for some science 101? Here it is.
Leptin is also known by eggheads as the hunger hormone. It is a protein produced by our fat cells that run through the bloodstream, before settling at the brain. It lets your brain know how much you have eaten, whether your food intake is enough, and if your calorie intake is sufficient. In a study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, leptin was found to be a major factor in weight loss.
Got it? Let’s proceed.
Like I earlier stated, Venus Factor wants to control the leptin levels in the body. And by extension, also regulate the body’s metabolism.
How does Venus Factor aim to achieve this goal? By helping the women involved in its plan to adopt a healthy lifestyle so they can finally keep off the unwanted weight for good. It also wants to accomplish this with real food. The program claims that there are no supplements or pills involved in this program, as everything is natural and safe.
Give it a Try
How does Venus Factor program work?
The Venus Factor program includes both food and workout plans. For 12 weeks, you are required to adhere strictly to its diet plan, do all of the recommended exercises, count your calories and protein, and follow the customized food guidelines.
At the end of the 12 weeks program, it is expected that you drop 10 pounds at least.
Sounds easy right? Let’s get more details about this food and exercise plans.
What happens when you sign up for the program?
When you register for the Venus Factor program, you are given a box, which can be virtual or traditional depending on your preference. The box contains the following items:
An eBook or manual
An app that you will use to track your daily food intake.
Access to an online nutritionist affiliated with the program.
The 12 weeks fat loss system.
Meal plan samples that tell you the kinds of food to consume so you can lose weight quickly.
Access to an online community comprising of blogs and forums.
A nutrition calculator that helps you in determining the number of calories your body requires to shed weight.
Exercise videos that show you the varied types of workouts you can do to hasten weight loss. It also includes an exercise videos library that gives you access to more than 100 videos showing you how to properly do the exercises in the guides. If you ask me, this can be a great help for people who are new to the world of exercise and fitness.
Specially designed for women.
Helps to burn fat.
Sheds weight easily.
Requires no supplements or pills.
Pros of the program
It caters exclusively to women
Venus Factor is specifically aimed at women. All the products, exercises, and food guidelines are drafted to suit the metabolism peculiar to women’s bodies.
It has a detailed exercise program
Unlike other similar programs where workout plans are barely given a glance, Venus Factor includes an incredibly comprehensive exercise program. What’s more, the exercises are easy to follow, so there’s no need to come up with your own exercise program.
Cons of the program
Lack of adequate information about the program
You will notice that this review does not mention the type of foods allowed in the program or the calorie requirements each user will need to meet. So it seems you will have to buy the program first before knowing what it is all about.
The exercises require gym equipment
The majority of the exercises included in the guide require you to use dumbbells and barbells. This is okay for those who have a gym membership but what of people who don’t? If you find yourself in the latter group, you could either buy that equipment or only do the bodyweight workouts.
Some Upselling when you buy
Customers who have purchased this program have noted that you are upsold after you buy the initial program. Although the upsells can be helpful to shedding weight and fat you would have to decide if it’s worth the money for you. This adds to the overall cost of the program.
How much does it cost?
The Venus Factor program retails for $37 initially.
But what if you don’t like the program and want your money back?
You are entitled to a 100% money back guarantee. Simply send an email to support@venusindex.com asking for a refund and get your money. However, this is only eligible within 60 days from the time of purchase and just as long as the product is not damaged.
More info
To conclude
I can really recommend this product although some information about kinds of food and daily calorie requirements has been left out. But if the details already given in this article makes you curious about it, do give it a try.