Do you suffer from excruciating hip pains? Is it diminishing the overall quality of your life?
Hip injuries can be ruthless. They appear out of nowhere and take a long time to heal. Most often, the pain is not localized. With time, it begins to radiate to the back/butt area. This is where things begin to fall apart. Without proper medical attention, the injury becomes unmanageable.
Before you reach that stage, check out this ground-breaking product that teaches you how to unlock and strengthen the hip flexor all by yourself. You don’t need physio or a fitness trainer. Check out Unlock your Hip Flexors Review.
About the creator of Unlock Your Hip Flexors 2.0- Mike Westerdal
The product Unlock Your Hip Flexors was originally developed by a Kinesiologist and injury specialist Rick Kaselj. Rick successfully used the little-known techniques of unlocking the hip flexors on his clients. This program was later marketed by Mike Westerdal, a national best-selling fitness author.
Mike, being a fitness guru wanted to help out his wife who was at the time suffering from persistent pain and discomfort in her hips. From a lot of different sources, he heard about Rick’s ground-breaking technique to solve hip problems. Mike decided to consult Rick for his wife’s hip pain. Within just 15 minutes into the first session, Mike’s wife felt better as Rick unlocked her hip flexors with ease.
It is after this moment when Mike teamed up with Rick to create one of the best programs to eliminate back pain. Moreover, Mike also runs a fitness website called CriticalBench where he tries to keep his readers informed on the latest trends in the fitness industry. You will also find product reviews and free stuff here.
How does Unlock Your Hip Flexors 2.0 work?
The creators of this product believe that the secret to unlocking the hip flexors lies in a relatively unknown muscle known as the “Psoas major“. This muscle is located between the base of the spinal cord and pelvis. You cannot feel this muscle voluntarily as it is located deep within the hip region.
However, stress and strain(caused due to sitting for long hours) in Psoas major is believed to be the main cause behind hip pain and overall stiffness.
The Psoas major appears like a tight bunch of muscles; known a hip flexors. Its main purpose is to connect the upper body with the lower body. You can imagine the impact on your overall mobility when this muscle gets tight and stifled.
Tightness in the Psoas major leads to limited mobility, more belly fat, poor blood circulation, and even low sex drive. This is why Mike and Rick focus on restoring the Psoas major instead of just doing static stretches.
What’s included in Unlock Your Hip Flexors 2.0
According to Rick, several muscle groups need to stretch out to loosen the hips, legs, and back. Static stretches that you perform in your gym are only meant to warm you up. They do no stimulate the Psoas major. Hence, he has formulated a sequential flow consisting of some specific movements.
In the sequential flow method, there are a total of 10 exercises. These are the most popular ones:
1) PNF(proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation) stretching
2) Dynamic stretching
3) 3-Dimensional core stability exercise
4) Mobility exercise
5) Fascia stretching
6) Muscle activation movements
In the Unlock Your Hip Flexors 2.0 package, you get a DVD video series and a booklet. The DVD contains a series of videos demonstrated or narrated by Rick himself. All 10 exercises that I mentioned above are included in it. At the end of a workout session, you will feel deep relaxation in your hips as they will unlock almost immediately. The exercises also stimulate your body’s own healing process.
The video series is divided into two parts: 1) Coaching Instructional Video and 2) Follow Along. The first part is more of an introduction to the sequential flow method. Rick also expands your knowledge about hip flexor muscles and gives you an insider’s grasp of what it means to treat a patient with hip issues.
Once you are fully acquainted with this method it’s time to put the lessons into practice. The second part is Follow Along sessions where you watch and listen to Rick and emulate his movements.
Other than that, for those who prefer reading rather than watching a video, the product also offers you a booklet that gives you access to more in-depth knowledge of Psoas muscle.
Plus, the booklet also gives you the hard facts about the negative effects of the shortening of this muscle. For those who do not have access to a computer can use the booklet as it contains detailed explanations of the exact exercise movements with images.
What I like about Unlock Your Hip Flexors 2.0
I like the fact that this product is created by an actual medical professional. Rick is a Kinesiologist and injury specialist who had been practicing his trade for years. Several so-called fitness gurus on the internet claim to have a miracle cure but they always turn out to be ineffective and bogus. I prefer to buy health products created by specialists who know what they are doing.
What I don’t like about Unlock Your Hip Flexors 2.0
The program does not flow as smoothly as it should. Some of the sections in the booklet contain explanations of one of the most complex muscle groups in the body. I can’t see how reading about this helps a person with hip pain.
Also, Rick has used some medical science jargon that I had to Google to find out the layman term for it. This is the only downside to this product. Maybe the creator could restructure and rewrite some sections to better the flow(or smoothen the edges) of the program.
My recommendation
I recommend Unlock Your Hip Flexors 2.0 to anyone suffering from severe hip or lower back pain. Sitting in the office for 8-9 hours every day can weaken, shorten and tighten the Psoas major muscle. Even if you are active in the morning–you go to the gym or for a run–sitting whole day hurts your hip like nothing else.
Even athletes suffer from a tight hip. Hence, this product is perfect for office goers, stay-at-home moms, and athletes with a history of hip injuries.
Don’t worry! You do not have to spend a fortune to get this product. Unlock Your Hip Flexors 2.0 is priced at just $10. This offer won’t last for long as the original price of this product is $50. Plus, you also get a 60 day risk-free and satisfaction guarantee. In short, you have nothing to lose. Check price from here- Unlock your Hip Flexors Price
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